How to Manage Facebook Pages as a Multi-Unit Brand

How to Manage Facebook Pages as a Multi-Unit Brand

If you are a multi-unit business with locations around the world, you can’t ignore the need for local pages. Here are some tips for managing your global Facebook presence. For franchise and multi-unit businesses, managing data and pages on Facebook can be a nightmare. Rogue pages, unseen customer complaints, and inaccurate data are just some of the challenges these businesses face every day. For those particular brands with multiple locations throughout the United States and the world, Facebook offers a feature that links the main brand page to all local pages, and helps maintain consistency across all locations. The feature is called “Facebook Locations” and is often referred to as the parent-child integration, with the main brand page being the parent, and the locations being the children. Whether you want to believe it or not, local pages exist. “Out of sight, out of mind” isn’t an acceptable philosophy in this situation. Local pages can be created by users trying to check in or by Facebook pulling data from various other sources around the Web (e.g., Yelp listings). By taking stock of what’s out there, claiming pages, and cleaning up duplicates you can protect the integrity of your business’ reputation and data, and create a more efficient process for managing pages moving forward. Read more about it...
5 Cool Twitter Marketing Tips For Your Brand

5 Cool Twitter Marketing Tips For Your Brand

Twitter and other social media platforms are great ways to keep in touch. What started as a purely personal platform for people to re-connect with friends and family has today become a marketing tool for business, small and large. Businesses are literally hustling up to get attention on social media platforms and leave their mark on people. There is no doubt that Twitter is a great marketing tool for businesses and taking the right steps is the only way to get noticed. But what are these right steps? In this article we will be looking at a few great ways to use Twitter for marketing. 1# Focusing on How To Use Search Results Search function on Twitter works in a slightly different manner. For example when we type keywords in a search engine, we get any/all results related to the words used. You would expect the same for Twitter however this isn’t the case. Twitter lists results when ‘all’ the keywords are present in a single tweet. Now, that’s not very helpful, isn’t it? To avoid this you can use ‘the/or’ in between keywords while searching on Twitter. The use of these words tells Twitter that you are searching for one or the other term from the keywords. Read more about it...
When Employees Live a Company’s Core Philosophies, Profits Follow

When Employees Live a Company’s Core Philosophies, Profits Follow

Sustaining a high level of success in a company as it matures can be the most challenging part of building a business. Whether starting a company from the ground up, stepping in to revive an existing brand or managing a department inside of a large corporation, momentum is typically gained by having clear and concise messaging of a company’s core philosophies. When these core philosophies and best practices are transferred successfully to every individual in an organization, that is when the true identity of a culture is built. Read more...
Leadership Communication: Getting Beyond the Basics

Leadership Communication: Getting Beyond the Basics

Look at any job description for leaders at any level and there it is under essential qualifications: excellent communication skills. Recent leadership literature suggests there’s more to it than being a good listener and an articulate speaker. I scan or read a fair number of leadership publications and blogs. Hardly a week passes in which I will not encounter a title like this or some variation on it: “The Most Important Skill Every Leader Needs.” Invariably the author will focus on some essential leadership quality that is fairly well known as a skill leaders need to have. Sometimes it’s trust, transparency, or integrity. It might be the importance of having a clear vision or establishing a particular culture. But the one leadership skill that comes up time and time again, perhaps more than the others combined, is communication. Read more about it...
6 Tips for Young Professionals Flustered by Small Talk

6 Tips for Young Professionals Flustered by Small Talk

College graduates today are the most tech-savvy generation to ever enter the workforce. While knowledge of the latest and greatest devices can be a tremendous asset to landing a job, it’s also proving to be a hindrance. Graduates today too often use technology as a replacement for essential communication skills that are still coveted by employers. The Center for Professional Excellence at York College of Pennsylvania conducts an annual survey to evaluate the status of professionalism in America. Most recent data from college and university career development offices noted a troubling trend. Respondents believe professionalism has decreased in the past five years. They attributed that drop to a loss of communication and interpersonal skills due to technology. Read more about it...
Communication in the SAT Classroom

Communication in the SAT Classroom

Picture your role model for success. Maybe you imagined Warren Buffett, chief executive officer of Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B), or maybe you thought of your mother, who started her own business. What do they do to motivate and inspire people? How do they successfully sell their products and services? The answer is effective communication strategies. Similarly, strong communication skills are necessary to achieve great results when taking an SAT course. Two students of equal intellectual capacity can end up with significant differences in their scores because one is a much better communicator. Here are four communication strategies to use in the classroom. 1. Reduce the say-do gap. Give yourself a one or two hour buffer when estimating the amount of time needed to complete the SAT assignment. My mother always told me to multiply the time you think you need by two, especially if you have difficulty with time management. Furthermore, if you consistently miss assignments, do not say “I will do my homework.” You and your teacher should find the reason for this repetitive inaction together instead. Was the topic for this particular assignment difficult to understand? Were there stressful issues at home? Was it finals week, with schoolwork becoming overwhelming? Were there other distractions, or was the reason simply laziness? Finding the solution requires knowing the problem. Read more about the other tips for communication in the SAT classroom...